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What size of the CO2 gas tank do I need?
What size of the CO2 gas tank do I need?

QUESTION: What size of the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas tank do I need?

ANSWER: If you set the CarboHaler to deliver 4% of carbon dioxide, you will consume about 4-5 grams per minute (0.15 ounces per minute). If you set the CarboHaler to deliver 2% of carbon dioxide, you will consume about 2-2.5 grams per minute (0.07 ounces).

  • A CO2 gas tank with the size of 4 kg (9 lbs) gives about 200 4-minute sessions with 4% CO2. And about 500 3-minute sessions with 2% CO2.
  • A standard 425-gram (15 oz) SodaStream cylinder gives about 25 4-minute sessions with 4% CO2. And about 50-60 3-minute sessions with 2% CO2.

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CarboHaler protocol - how long, how often, and what CO2 percentage shall I use?
Is there a carbon dioxide gas tank included?
Can the CarboHaler be used if the lung function Is reduced?
Do I inhale less oxygen when using the CarboHaler?
Can I use the CarboHaler with a SodaStream cylinder?
Can my BOLT score increase with the CarboHaler?