My Five Top Corona Tips - Conscious Breathing Institute

My Five Top Corona Tips

In 2009, 29 years young and with a three month old daughter, I started a journey that would come to turn my whole life upside down and inside out. I was diagnosed with lung cancer. A tumor the size of a tennis ball in my right lung. It felt like being given a death sentence and in a state of shock I put my life in the hands of my doctors. I did the whole chemical cocktail of chemo, radiation and loads (serious loads) of morphine. One year after my treatment the cancer had metastasized to the skeleton, brain and other parts of the lungs. 

Little did I know of the vigorous fierce powers I possessed and to my surprise I took on a battle with my doctors, went against all their advice and started the most important journey of my life; I decided to take control over my own health. The road has not always been smooth, at times so bumpy that I’ve put my life in jeopardy but it has taken me to where I am today. I have definitely not reached my destination yet, nowhere close to it. I now flow through life and let my instincts guide me to where next to go. I have been blessed to have the best of both worlds, conventional and alternative. The combination of both let me live a tumor free life with better health than ever.

I have learned the power of a plant-based diet and the importance of physical activity. How to listen to my body and find peace in challenging moments. From champagne sipping party beast to green juice gulping yoga freak. A change that has made me happier, healthier, sexier and more vibrant than ever. I hope you enjoy the ride! You can read my blog here and follow me on Instagram @canceryogini

Back on track again after the Coronavirus

I’m now starting to feel fully recovered after Corona. Was sick for 3 weeks, one week in hospital, five nights with oxygen, intravenous antibiotics and one blood transfusion. My oxygen level dropped down to 87% at the lowest. Normal is anything between 95%-100%, lower than 80% is dangerous for the vital organs. The antibiotics was to prevent an infection in the lung.

As my right lung is completely damaged from radiation, bacteria easily gets stuck in the scar tissue and can then cause an infection, pneumonia. Any kind of flu or winter virus can therefore be very dangerous for me. When I get sick I tend to feel a lot of fear so my main focus lays in calming the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response) and activating the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system) so my body can focus on healing and not getting caught up in stress, fear and panic.

Here are my some of the things I do to activate my parasympathetic nervous system and relax:

1. The Relaxator

The Relaxator is a breathing retrainer where you inhale and exhale through a resistance, which you can easily adjust. This calms and slows down the breathing cycle. The breath goes deeper down to the lower part of lung. When used regularly it increases oxygen uptake. I use this on a daily basis 1/2-1 hour a day. When I had my first symptoms of covid19 I started using it 3-5 hours daily. I like to use it when I’m watching a movie or reading. Can also recommend using it on walks.

2. The Shakti Mat

The Shakti mat is my beloved acupressure mat. I absolutely love this and use it 1-2 times a day, 20-30 min. Before sleep or for siesta relaxation. This helps me go into deep relaxation and releases tensions. My body melts when I lay on it. You can read more about it here >>

3. Sleep Tape

Taping your mouth at night ensures that your mouth is kept closed and that you only breathe through your nose. Many people experience a deeper sleep and feel more rested when they wake up. The Sleep Tape is specially designed for use at night.

Great for dental care as saliva helps protect the teeth from cavities. Keeping my throat moist also helped decrease my coughing during corona. I had very little coughing. It increases your energy, gives better sleep and even said to improve your sex life!!!

4. Relaxing music

Listening to relaxing music such as mantras or gong bath or any kind of slow soothing music. Can recommend Snatnam Kauer’s album “Liberations Door” and Ajeet “Hasseya”. I didn’t watch any news or Facebook feed to avoid any fearful information on corona.

Only talked to friends that I know would uplift me, not speaking to anyone who could ignite the “victim” in me ? Its easy when feeling low to fall down the spiral of self pity. I have amazing friends and family that see clearly when I’m headed down, immediately help me snap out of it and lift me up.

5. Create a “help group”

I created a messenger group, a “help group”, with 10 of my amazing angel friends. I believe it’s important to support the body with nutritious healthy foods to assist in the healing so I asked my friends if they could help deliver fresh juices and healthy foods whilst I was in hospital. They all took turns and made sure I had my daily supplies.

Incredibly grateful to have such beautiful friends. I know asking for help can be very difficult and I also struggled with this the first years of being sick. I believe its a big part of our healing to let go of this fear of being a burden and let others care for us.

Many people also fear to ask if someone needs help for the same reason of not wanting to be a burden so when someone reaches out this also gives them an opportunity to give. And giving is living.

Maria Barat
39, Stockholm, Sweden, Canceryogini