Welcome to Conscious Breathing

Change Your Breath, 
Change Your Life

There is nothing new about the importance of breathing. Just a few minutes of oxygen deprivation is enough to destroy the brain’s ability to process incoming information forever. However, it isn´t just important THAT we breathe, but also HOW we breathe.

Discover the power of Conscious Breathing and how it can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing.
Tens of thousands have improved their life with Conscious Breathing. Read some of their stories here.

Discover the Benefits of Conscious Breathing

Learn how Conscious Breathing can improve your life. Discover simple techniques to reduce stress, boost focus, and enhance your overall well-being. Start enjoying the benefits of mindful breathing today.

Relaxed Brain

Our brain is a major consumer of oxygen and consequently the organ that suffers most from poor breathing habits

Sleep Better

Man is the only animal that sleeps with an open mouth. Mouth breathing at rest causes oxygen deficiency, more stress, and less sleep.

Improved Endurance

We can’t swim, bike, run or maintain optimum strength and endurance if our breathing is impaired

Improved Sex Life

The sex enhancement drug Viagra was developed thanks to research on NO, a substance produced in large quantities in our nose

Increase Fat Burning

Fat can only be burned in the presence of oxygen, so impaired breathing closes the door slightly to our fat reserves

Boost Your Energy

Energy production with oxygen is far more efficient since it gives up to 16 times more energy compared to without oxygen

Stronger Heart

Tense, non-rhythmic and stressed breathing makes for a strained, non-rhythmic and stressed heart

Straighter Teeth

Mouth breathing alters the position of the tongue, which affects the development of the face, teeths and smile

Experience Less Pain

Our breathing is a severely underestimated tool in pain management. How we breathe has an immediate effect on pain and by altering our breathing pattern, we can either increase or reduce pain.

Less Worry

When afraid and worried we breathe high up in our chest in an attempt to “run away” from the unpleasant feelings often situated in our abdominal area

Improve Asthma

Asthma is a disease that constricts the airways, often because of impaired breathing habits

How Should I Breathe - Wim Hof vs Conscious Breathing

Ever since I founded Conscious Breathing in 2009, people’s interest in breathing as a health promoter, performance enhancer and a way to personal and spiritual growth has increased more and more, which brings me much joy. In yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and qigong, different breathing techniques are central. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Buteyko breathing method? It’s a Russian method that is spreading across the globe, founded by the late Professor Konstantin Buteyko. Rebirthing and Holotropic breathing are two other popular ways of using breathing to change the state of mind and improve one’s health.

One of the methods that has attracted the most interest is the Wim Hof Method. Therefore, a common question is what makes Conscious Breathing different from Wim Hof breathing. Which way to breathe is correct? Which method is best? Is it possible to combine the two?

Explore our Breathing Products

Join our Conscious Breathing Foundation Course to master the essentials of mindful breathing. This course will teach you how to reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost your well-being through easy-to-follow techniques.
Do you often feel stressed out? Do you want to find inner peace and focus better? Then the Relaxator is for you! With the Relaxator, you train your breathing to become calmer. It reduces stress in an instant and increases your focus and well-being.
The Cardisuit improves overall cellular health on all levels so it may be used to improve health and outcome in a wide variety of health conditions. It may be used for skin wound healing or it may be the soft tissue, or even the joint.
The CarboHaler is a device that adds extra carbon dioxide and reduces the oxygen in the air you inhale. But wait a minute, isn’t oxygen the good guy and carbon dioxide the bad guy when it comes to breathing? So why add more CO2 and reduce oxygen?

Do you often feel stressed? Do you want to find peace and focus better? Then the Relaxator is for you!

The Relaxator gives you calmer breathing which gives a calmer brain. It immediately reduces your stress and increases your focus and well-being. The Relaxator is extremely easy to use while being very powerful. It can be used basically anytime and anywhere - at work, in the car, before bed, during training, etc. Try it today and increase your well-being too!

Read the Inspiring Stories of the Conscious Breathers

Discover the profound impact of conscious breathing through the words of our clients. These testimonials narrate remarkable journeys of transformation, wellness, and self-discovery.

Nobody I've met knows more about breathing than Anders Olsson.

"The Relaxator is a simple, powerful tool that helped me build better breathing habits and improve respiratory health. When writing my NY Times bestseller Breath: The New Scoence of a Lost Art, I used it all the time."
James Nestor
Verified Buyer
When I get a gallbladder attack, it hurts a lot. Even though I take my medicine, it still takes 15-20 minutes for the attack to go away. With the Relaxator and without medicine the attacks have passed in 5-6 minutes.
Verified Buyer
I am 13 years old and have an ADHD diagnosis. For the last nine months I’ve had suicidal thoughts. But now, after three weeks of using the Relaxator and taping my mouth at night, I’m happier than I've ever been! Thank you!
Verified Buyer
The Relaxator was invaluable when I did my first ice bath ever! It was -12C (10F). It helped calm my breathing quickly, allowing me to really enjoy the bath! It was magical to use the Relaxator both before, during, and after the ice bath. I'm hooked!
Verified Buyer
I had severe chest pain and was about to get surgery for inserting a pacemaker. Thanks to breath training with the Relaxator and less sweets I got rid of chest pain and pacemaker.
Verified Buyer
The Relaxator has had the greatest impact on my life. I use it almost every day when I'm walking and I absolutely love it. It trains me to breathe slow and low using my diaphragm, which makes me feel as though I am in this deep meditative state.
Verified Buyer
Using my Relaxator every morning for starting my day.
Verified Buyer
When I started using the Relaxator I immediately felt an absolutely incredible improvement!! No asthma medication for almost two months. Absolutely amazing!
Verified Buyer
It's an important tool for regeneration and dealing with stress and I use it in my daily work as NeuroAthletikTrainer
Verified Buyer

Conscious Breathing Book

Conscious Breathing is an easy to understand and practical self-help book written for those of you who wish to improve your health, boost your energy and ability to enjoy life, and at the same time help you grow as a person. The purpose of the book is to communicate simple knowledge of good breathing techniques that you can apply anytime, anywhere.

Conscious Breathing is the perfect users's guide to optimize breathing patterns, improve oxygenation, get better sleep, concentration and sense of well-being. Experience significant improvements to your health in just a few short days. Read Conscious Breathing!

Patrick McKeown

(best-selling author of The Oxygen Advantage)

Breath training is perfect for an addictive personality like me. I read the book in one stretch. I have had so many revelations and new insights that I'm completely taken aback.

Bitten Jonsson

(Bittens Addiction)

Ever since I read the book, I’ve been breathing consciously! 3-4 conscious breaths and my pain is gone. I am so happy, it’s like I’ve gotten a new life. I have a new youth ahead of me! Since I’ve reached my first goal with Conscious Breathing, almost pain-free, I’ve set a new goal–to lose unnecessary weight.

Nina Skoland



The CarboHaler is a device that adds extra carbon dioxide to the air you inhale while at the same time reducing the amount of oxygen you take in. But wait a minute. When it comes to breathing, oxygen is the good guy and carbon dioxide is the bad guy, right!? So why add extra CO2 and reduce oxygen in the air you inhale?

Well, even though we are very dependent on oxygen, it's all about balance. Your car doesn’t go better if you give it more fuel. Too much is just as bad as getting too little fuel. Your car needs the right amount of fuel, which will differ depending on how fast you drive. It is exactly the same with our breathing. Your intake of oxygen and exhale of excess carbon dioxide should match your metabolic demand.

So if you want to increase your body's gas mileage and improve your oxygen efficiency - boosting carbon dioxide and restricting oxygen is the way to go.
  • Reduce Mental

promotes relaxation by adjusting your breathing patterns. By increasing carbon dioxide and slightly reducing oxygen intake, it helps calm the nervous system, easing tension and enhancing mental clarity naturally.
  • Slow Down Your Breathing

encourages calmness by helping you take deeper, slower breaths. This technique reduces anxiety, promotes relaxation, and enhances overall well-being by allowing your body to enter a more peaceful, relaxed state.
  • Heal Emotional Wounds

supports emotional recovery by fostering self-reflection and inner calm. Through mindful breathing, it helps release emotional tension, promotes resilience, and encourages a deeper sense of peace and healing.


The Cardisuit is a system designed to help bathe the entire body (up to the neck) in carbon dioxide gas. Once you’re in the Cardisuit, at first all the air is vaccum pumped out and then the suit is filled up with 100% carbon dioxide. The CO2 is then absorbed through your skin, which will open up your blood vessels.

Many people report feeling very relaxed and will even fall asleep while using the Cardisuit. A parasympathetic deluxe experience.

Why Carbon Dioxide?

When we inhale we take in oxygen, which is used to produce energy (ATP) efficiently. In this process of manufacturing energy, which is called metabolism, our body also produces heat, water, and carbon dioxide. The excess carbon dioxide is exhaled. However, if we are stressed, our breathing will increase and we will exhale too much CO2. If we are inactive, our metabolism will decrease, and less CO2 is produced. Combining the two, stress and inactivity, has a double negative effect resulting in lower levels of carbon dioxide in our body.

For what can the Cardisuit be used?

The Cardisuit improves overall cellular health on all levels so it may be used to improve health and outcome in a wide variety of health conditions. It may be used for skin wound healing or it may be the soft tissue, or even the joint.

Carbon dioxide baths have been known to reduce body pain, increase metabolic rate and fat burning, increase in energy and for firming, softer and more youthful looking skin. Even if you have no health issues currently you can use it to take your health to the next level, have more energy, recover from fatigue faster and increase your overall vitality.

How Do You Breathe? Take Our Breathing Analysis Test

Take Our Breathing Analysis Test and Get Personalized Results

Meet the Founder of Conscious Breathing – Anders Olsson

Anders Olsson is the founder of Conscious Breathing. After discovering the power of breath to help him relax and find inner calm, he became an expert on breathing and developed the Conscious Breathing Retraining Program. Through his work, Anders has helped tens of thousands of people improve their health and quality of life.
"Nobody I've met knows more about breathing than Anders Olsson."

James Nestor

Best-selling author of Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

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Breathe your way to excellence with Conscious Breathing.

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