Fantastic response on the Conscious Breathing Instructor Course - Conscious Breathing Institute

Fantastic response on the Conscious Breathing Instructor Course

Since the first course in 2011 we have educated over 1200 Conscious Breathing Instructors. The Course covers the complete ABC of breathing, providing a deep understanding of the great impact our breathing has on every aspect of our lives – body, mind, emotions, and spiritually. A Conscious breath strengthens our inner core and makes us grow as human beings.

Reading the reviews from the course is very inspiring. A few examples:

– Informative, interesting, easy to keep up with, very health-promoting, entertaining, shattering and above all: expanding.

– I’m incredibly happy that I had the opportunity to participate and learn so many new things.

– The best course EVER!

The best distance course I've ever participated in!

Before this course I had no idea that there was so much I didn’t know about our breathing. The course has given me a far deeper knowledge of the function of breathing and how it affects the entire body. Thanks to my improved everyday breathing I no longer have problems with a sluggish stomach, I sleep much better, I’m no longer clogged in my nose when I wake up and I’ve learned effective methods on how to breathe myself through stressful periods.

Examples of everyday situations where I get extra help from my breathing – before takeoff and landing when I fly with my job, during exercise, when I want to achieve more focus on a specific task I want to solve, when falling sleep etc.

This course is the best distance course I’ve ever attended, a wonderful mix of everything – a professional and well-designed basis, the exercises between our “meetings”, Anders enthusiasm and inspiring presentation, the dialogue with other participants, well-functioning technology support, practice for applying my new skills, which altogether have resulted in the most important thing – I have gain new insights and skills that help me support both my own and others’ health.

Another thing that the course gave me – Anders passion for this could not be missed and it was infectious. I have searched and I’m still looking for a way to contribute to a better world. I can clearly see how he really dared to go for what he’s passionate about and it inspires me! Anders often explains in images which meant a lot for my learning, several of the pictures stuck with me immediately – for example the metaphor of how eating a chicken raw is similar to breathing through the mouth.

Previously I’ve studied the The Rosen Method and also mental training. This course supplemented and intertwined my knowledge from these courses in a very nice way, giving me a better understanding of the connection between breathing, mental processes, stress and tension in the body. I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to get to know their body better and promote their own as well as the health of others!

Maria Jonsson, 39, business consultant, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

Conscious Breathing is my favorite tool, all categories!

I started doing breathing exercises in the summer of 2013, which you can read about here. I was lyrical about the knowledge, the accessibility, the simplicity and the immediate effect. Sure, I’m still a speed freak, BUT with the big difference that I have learned to slow down. We are made to “stress”, or to drive fast as I tend to say, but if we don’t have good tires, brakes and oil for the brakes in peak condition, it can be very dangerous to “drive fast”.

I had many tools before, but Conscious Breathing is my favorite tool, all categories. Today, it’s almost enough to just hang the Relaxator around my neck in order to slow me down, “Pavlov’s dogs” in a way. The reason for this calming effect is of course because I’ve been practicing consistently. I’m also taping my mouth every night, except if I’m really sick and coughing. When this happens it’s noticeable that I haven’t been able to tape. Not good at all and I long for the cough to pass so I can tape again.

I quickly realized that this is one of the most important tools for my patients, and therefore I decided to take the Instructor Course, which is one of the best and most rewarding courses I’ve taken, in all categories. In general I’m very motivated to do things if I understand the context and why something is good. I want a full and complete picture and the course gave me more than I could imagine.

The book is easy to read, but to have everything reiterated, explained and to be given new pieces of the puzzle was the icing on the cake for me. I’m also so grateful that everything is available in English for my international patients, students and colleagues. It’s a pleasure that I’ve gotten the opportunity to write about this in my new book, The Sugar Bomb 3.0, and to use the Breathing Index test in the book and on all the patients I have in biochemical repair, where the breathing tools are number one on the prescription list.

The reports that I receive from my network about the effects of both using and learning about the breathing tools are so wonderful to hear. I see the same amazing results for those who embraced this as I did.

Bitten Jonsson, 61, Addictionspecialist at Bittens Addiction, Hudiksvall, Sweden

I am really pleased with the Instructor Course, it has been amazing!

Since I am a bit of a nerd I like to understand how things are interrelated all the way down to the cellular level. The course has given me this deep knowledge, which has been very exciting, interesting and rewarding. At the same time, there has been a balance between theory, exercises and practical examples that have created a comprehensive understanding.

I am a nutritionist and have worked a lot with eating behaviors in my courses in Mindful Eating for Sweet tooth’s, were Conscious Breathing plays an important role. Conscious Breathing is extremely effective both in terms of sugar cravings and overeating. A bonus effect if you breathe yourself calm before a meal is that it improves your digestion which increases the nutrient uptake and the metabolism. It’s so amazing ? !!!!!

When I ask my course participants which tools they’ve found to be the most useful, where the bulk of the course consist of Conscious Breathing, get rid of the sugar and Mindful eating, almost everyone says: The breathing.

I came in touch with Conscious Breathing several years before I took the Instructor Course, when I was coached by an Instructor as part of her training. When my asthma disappeared I realized just how powerful it was. It is now 5 years ago and since then I have not used any asthma medication whatsoever.

Currently I help young women who, for various reasons, have fallen out from the society, due to addictions for instance. Even here it is striking what a powerful tool the breathing actually is when the demons take over. Turning to the conscious breath makes it so concrete and tangible and help the women to calm down. Read Ulrikas full testimonial here >>

Ulrika Gabriel, 49, Coach and Health Motivator, Västerås, Sweden

The course has made me grow both as a human being and in my profession

I’ve benefited a lot from the Instructor Course and I’ve grown both as a human being and in my career as a life coach, thanks to the knowledge of how breathing affects us in different ways. Previously, I suffered from panic disorder and ate “happy pills”. To my great pleasure, I could stop taking them immediately when I started doing breathing retraining.

Taping my mouth at night is something I don’t want to be without. Before the course I hadn’t slept a whole night in 8 years. Now I fall asleep in 1½ minute after I put the tape on. It’s like the tape gives a signal to my brain that it’s time to sleep. However, the first week with taped mouth was hard as I panicked and took off the tape during the night. The second week was a bit easier and after that it has worked really well, and nowadays I usually sleep all night and wake up feeling fresh and rested. If I sometimes don’t tape I notice that my mouth is dry as a desert when I wake up.

I have the Relaxator with me everywhere and I use it in the car, in front of the computer, when I’m out walking etc. In the beginning my abdominal muscles became sore, so I understood that my abs had been resting for a while. Generally, I feel much better since I became aware of my breathing and I love my Relaxator. It’s really joyful to see that it’s starting to spread and that more and more people are getting curious about what they can do to improve their breathing.

Benita Karlsson, 44, LifeHarmony, Eskilstuna, Sweden

Now I can tell my customers that they can feel better just by breathing properly

The course outline was great and being able to view the lessons subsequently is just perfect. The content has a good span and Anders is good at explaining clearly. The best part of the course is that I can now inform my customers that they can feel better just by breathing properly. Many people who come to me have problems with asthma, COPD and other issues. Almost everyone say that they breathe through the mouth, when I ask them if they breathe through their nose or mouth.

I was a typical mouth breather before I took the course and understood how important it is to breathe through the nose. I had chronic nasal congestion which I’ve recovered from mainly by taping my mouth at night, focusing on nose breathing during the day and using my salt room. Inhalation of salty air inhibits swelling and respiratory inflammations.

I’ve also discovered that when I have a runny nose it stops quickly when I use the Relaxator. I use the Relaxator mainly when driving my car. Then I become more tolerant to other drivers (who make bad decisions in different traffic situations). My well-being has improved and I can handle stressful situations because I can focus on breathing when life tends move at a high speed.

Everyone has room for improvement in their breathing and you can lower your blood pressure when using the Relaxator regularly. For example, my sister could stop using her blood pressure medication thanks to the Relaxator and nasal breathing.

Additional comments

– What I liked most with the course was the increased insight into the true meaning of breathing, especially carbon dioxide. Personally, the course has been very interesting and useful for my own development and in my business.

– Such a valuable course. I have gotten so many “tools” that I can now share with others. Anders is a very good teacher/educator who can really express himself in a way that makes it easy to understand.

– Incredibly good course that I would readily recommend to others! I have gained many new insights and knowledge.– Very educational course with detailed knowledge and thorough physiology! Very pleasant that the course leader was so calm while talking.

– Educational, interesting, easy to keep up with, very health enhancing, comfortable setup, varied content, entertaining, shattering/eye opening and especially developing. The course was clear and easy to understand with many practical exercises and reflections. I am incredibly pleased that I was given the opportunity to attend the course and learn so much about health, breathing, awareness, etc.

– Thank you for a well thought out course with interesting content. The course has been informative, positive, motivational and energizing. The best part was that I really got an overall picture of myself and my breathing.

– A very eye opening, healthy, informative, structured, affordable and surprisingly good course. Anders is incredibly inspiring and knowledgeable with a very professional and educational course setup. The best thing with the course has been my own personal growth. Varm thanks!

– Amazing! The course is something of the best I’ve attended! To understand that our breathing is so important to our health on “all levels” have been the best thing with the course.

Elisabeth Larsson, 58, The Salt Room in Motala, Sweden

Learn more about The Conscious Breathing Instructor Course

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