The Hyperventilation Syndrome - Dr. Frances Ames Part VIII
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It is with pleasure that I record my gratitude to a great many people. Professor Forman supplied the inspiration for this piece of work. Dr. S. Berman gave me a great deal of sound advice, especially about the neurological aspect. He supplied the electroencephalographic record illustrating delta activity.
Professor R. Goetz made available to me all the facilities of his laboratory and taught me a great deal about the technique of research and of peripheral vascular work generally.
Dr. A. Dull administered the gas mixtures and was always a willing and reliable experimental subject.
To the many colleagues who so patiently and good-humouredly overbreathed for me got my heartfelt thanks. Among these, I must specifically thank Dr. A. Swanepoel, Dr. R. Mibashon, Dr. M. Lange, and Miss Walton.
Dr. Werbeloff is responsible for the x-rays.
Mrs. Goosen did the photography.
Dr. Budtz-Olsen helped a great deal in the final compiling of the thesis.
The Staff Research Fund made me a grant for which I am very grateful.
Finally, I am greatly indebted to my husband, who cooperated with me to make the communication of ideas in this thesis as clear as possible.
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