Improved breathing contributed to my world record
As a free diver and yogi I have long known that it is best to breathe through my nose (that’s what it’s for), but the greatest advantage I’ve noticed is when I’ve climbed high mountains. I have done the climb challenge 7 summits and reached the top of the highest mountain on each continent on the first attempt. A big part of succeeding in mountain clibing and staying at high altitude is about the ability to breathe correctly.
Your oxygen uptake increases slightly when breathing through the nose, you breathe less often and lower, which lowers the pulse slightly and pressurizes the lungs better which in turn increases the oxygen uptake. In other words, very interesting when it comes to high altitude.
When breathing through the nose the air is also warmth and humidified before it reaches the airways, which makes the lungs feel better. And – it works!! I haven’t had a shred of headache or altitude problems on my expeditions. As soon as I’ve felt a little pressure, I’ve focused on my breathing and the pressure have disappeared.
World record in free diving and climbed Mount Everest
I am very pleased with the Conscious Breathing Retraining, which have helped me feel more balanced and harmonious. Breathing through my nose when I am working out and doing other activities now feels completely natural. Improving my breathing habits contributed to me being the highest and lowest in the world by breaking the world free diving record, when I managed to dive down to 126 meters in one breath, and also being able to climb Mount Everest, reaching a height of 8,848 meters.
In my work as a lecturer and coach I am now able to give my clients instructions on how to improve their breathing, both when exercising and in their day-to-day lives. I think that breathing with a resistance improves your breathing musculature, and it is also a perfect tool to reduce your breathing rate and increase your relaxation.
I think the Relaxator is a perfect training method for example when reading or sitting in front of the computer. The improved breathing that follows increases my calmness and focus. On my free diving courses, I give all the participants a Relaxator.