The results of the CarboHaler are dramatic - Conscious Breathing Institute

The results of the CarboHaler are dramatic

My name is Dr. Steven J. Saltzman, MD. I am a board-certified physician anesthesiologist with extensive modern medical, academic and administrative experience. I helped found Capital Anesthesia Partners in 2011 and serves as Chief Medical Officer, where I manage a workforce of over thirty physician anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists who provide anesthesia services to over 35,000 patients a year.

I want to provide a detailed review as I now have some good experience with the CarboHaler both personally and professionally. My natural medical program helps overcome disease states, promote longevity, and enhance athletic performance. And oxygen therapies are a cornerstone of my approach to progress along what I call the Disease to Vitality Continuum.

I have been using oxygen therapies for more that 20 years — Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), ozone therapies, nasal breathing, EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy), and more. And now, thanks to you C02 tolerance training with the CarboHaler.

Oxygen therapy with CO2 is more effective

The CarboHaler does exactly what the science predicts — it makes more oxygen available to the working muscles where and when it is needed. No other oxygen therapy does this as effectively. Other oxygen therapies flood the system with extra oxygen but in a non-specific fashion. Because the body was designed to offload oxygen from hemoglobin in the presence of higher C02, both breathing less and/or inhaling C02 will deliver more oxygen to the tissues in need.

And I can now confirm that this ability is not mutually exclusive, its additive. Benefits exist when we train our C02 tolerance with conscious breathing, i.e. low, slow, and rhythmic breathing, and additional benefits also occur when we use the CarboHaler. This is important evidence for the multiple layers we can use to boost our health and wellness.

The results of the CarboHaler are dramatic. Muscular work becomes easy. Recovery is enhanced. The brain is calmed. And something I have not seen before is that learning, while exerting at high heart rates, becomes possible. Specifically, the ability to work on athletic technique (racquet skills, wakeboarding skills, etc.) while peak performing is unusual. These results are not minor. A top-level athlete is thrilled for a 1-2% gain in anything.

The changes with CarboHaler and Conscious Breathing are unprecedented

But the changes we are talking about with the CarboHaler and conscious breathing can be more than 10 times that and are unprecedented. I can best describe it as having another gear of performance combined with a focused mind capable of learning. Essentially our stress response is lessened and we stay relatively more in a relaxed, parasympathetic state.

I have also witnessed the CarboHaler benefit pain conditions associated with rib fractures and heel pain from plantar fasciitis (inflammation in the feet). I have zero doubts that the CarboHaler would benefit countless other medical conditions too since the majority of disease states we face today are characterized by low oxygen levels, inflammation, and oxidative stress at the cellular level.

Thank you for your incredibly powerful work. I look forward to using my CarboHaler every day and sharing it with my clients.

- Dr. Steven J. Saltzman, USA, MD, Anesthesiologist