I have never recovered from the flu so quickly
I have a history of being sick with problems associated with breathing, as I’ve had major problems with my lungs and airways. Bit by bit, I’ve lost my physical strength, gained weight, and have developed type 2 diabetes. I also have allergies that give me asthma. A few times, I have also had to get emergency care for my asthma and then had to be on antibiotics for preventative purposes. I have also been a sober alcoholic from 16 years ago, when I did a complete turnaround.
In recent years, I have suffered from pneumonia three times. The last time I was so sick that I almost died. I was hospitalized and treated with oxygen. It took a whole week before they found the right antibiotic that worked, which was in the nick of time as I was really weak. When I had pneumonia, I got a gadget from the nurse at the hospital to bring home and blow into. Unfortunately, I did not understand how I could benefit from it, as I didn’t get any information about what it was good for. Because of that, I have not used it.
It wasn’t until I came in touch with Klara Sinnerstad that I realized how important it was. Klara is currently participating in the Conscious Breathing Instructor Course, and she was looking for people to coach. I immediately felt that this was something for me and that it could help me strengthen my lungs.
I have used the Relaxator extensively and have slept with my mouth taped. In addition, I have taken walks where I have only breathed through my nose, and have also gone up and down stairs to raise my heart rate. My resting heart rate is lower, and my breathing is slower. I was not at all prepared for such a distinct response from my body.
My need for sleep has decreased from 9-10 hours to 7-8 hours, so I gain a full 2 hours a day by breathing better! I use the extra time to walk to work, which takes 50 minutes.
Although I sleep less, I feel more alert and have more energy, so I get more done and have been able to see more friends. I have clearly gained a higher quality of life. Immediate gains, but, on the other hand, I have not seen any effect on my weight and diabetes. Not yet.
My new way of thinking has been an inspiration for me when working out. Although it is tough to breathe through my nose while exercising, I feel that I have found a challenge that has triggered my competitive instinct. It has made me start exercising at the gym at work, where I, among other things, have biked and rowed. Nose breathing works very well, except when the intensity is really high.
Activity | |
Taped mouth at night | 28 of 28 nights |
Breathing Retraining with the Relaxator | ca 22 min/day |
Physical activity with closed mouth | ca 54 min/day |
Evaluation after CBR 28-day Breathing Retraining | Before | After | |
Breathing Index (max 100 points) | 52 | 79 | |
Breathing Habits (max 60 points) | 32 | 41 | |
Pulse (heart beats per minute) | 81 | 72 |
Improvement (0=no improvement, 10=very big improvement) | ||
Concentration | 7 | |
Energy levels | 7 | |
Stress | 5 | |
Sleep | 10 | |
Mood | 5 | |
Pain, ache | 3 | |
Airways (nose, throat, lungs) | 10 | |
Fear, anxiety, depression | 2 | |
Physical fitness | 7 |
On the 5th of February, I started with the 28-Day Breathing Retraining that ended in the beginning of March. I have, however, continued with the Relaxator, tape, and physical activity with my mouth closed.
I am, of course, extra careful now in corona virus times, but about a week after completing the 28-Day Breathing Retraining I got an infection and was really bad for a week. It started with chills in the evening. I got swollen sinuses and started coughing. My fever was high. Over 39 Celsius (102 Fahrenheit) for 4.5 days. I contacted the hospital but was not allowed to come to there to take a coronavirus test. However, if I were to develop severe breathing difficulties, I would have been welcome there.
After the fever went down, I coughed and sniffled for another 4-5 days. This time I did not need oxygen, and I have never recovered from a flu so quickly before. It was a significant difference compared to before. Without breathing retraining, my lungs would probably have collapsed. Normally, when a cold has reached my lower airways, they are severely affected for 1.5 months.
Although there is a strong indication that I had the coronavirus, I can, of course, not say for sure because I have not done any test.
When I was sick, I could not tape my mouth at night, but under other circumstances taping my mouth has worked great, even now in the spring when the allergy season is here. Even though I have been afflicted by allergies which has affected my vocal cords, and I have coughed and sometimes been clearing my throat, by this time, I usually have had to take much more bronchodilator medicine than I have needed so far.
A warm thank you to Klara for her wisdom and dedication. I tell everyone I meet about my journey to recovery and health and all the benefits gained by improving my breathing. I hope more people will find the courage to try Conscious Breathing.