Sleep Tape 5M
Sleep Tape 5M
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A good night’s sleep is vital for good health, energy, and overall well-being. During sleep, you are supposed to activate the calming part of your nervous system, so that your body can heal and repair and activate your immune system. Sleeping with an open mouth takes you in the opposite direction and locks you in a state of fight or flight, which is why the way you breathe, while you are asleep, is of great importance.
Since you can’t easily monitor how you breathe while you sleep, using Sleep Tape™ ensures that your mouth stays closed at night so you breathe only through your nose.

Benefits of Using Sleep Tape
Taping your mouth at night is a remarkably simple, yet extremely powerful tool. The feedback frequently given is that people wake up more alert in the morning, sleep more calmly, don’t wake up during the night, and need less sleep.
- Avoid hyperventilation – If you sleep with an open mouth your breathing will automatically exceed your body’s needs and you will end up hyperventilating. This upsets the oxygen/carbon dioxide balance and causes either oxygen deficiency or oxygen toxicity (too much) or both.
- Keeps your mouth shut – Applying tape to your mouth at night is an easy and inexpensive way to ensure that your mouth stays closed and respiration occurs only through your nose. This will make your breathing work for you instead of against you.
- Wake up rested – Nasal breathing is the first step towards calming breathing habits. Nasal breathing during sleep increases the chance that your body can relax and get the rest it needs.
- Gives a deep sleep – Restless sleep is common amongst nightly mouth breathers. When we perceive danger we automatically open our mouth. It’s an inert reaction associated with our fight/flight/freeze-system. To promote deep sleep the fight/flight/freeze-system needs to be put on the backburner, which is easier achieved when our mouth is closed.

Material: Nonwoven Rayon, latex free
Sensitive: Hypoallergenic
1 Strip: 9.3 cm x 2,4 cm
Sleep Tape 5M: 154 strips (5 months supply)
How to use
You may think it sounds crazy, or you feel uncomfortable with the mere idea of applying tape to your mouth—not an uncommon reaction amongst people when they first hear about mouth taping. However, the discomfort is generally just a mental block, and after trying it out for a few minutes most people find they get used to it quickly.
- Tape vertically or horizontally – The Sleep Tape could be applied either horizontally or vertically. Some users perceive the vertical approach to be less intimidating.
- Be persistent – You may wake up without a taped mouth since it’s common that we remove the tape in our sleep during the first, second, and maybe third night. Please be persistent and continue to apply the tape.
- Practice before bedtime – If you do feel discomfort, or get anxious, we suggest you apply the tape ten to fifteen minutes for a few evenings, or as long as you need, in order to become more comfortable with the sensation.
- Get your partner to tape too – You may think that it’s not very sexy to tape your mouth at night, but you can always cuddle first, and then tape your mouth. Some prefer to wait to apply the tape until their partner has fallen asleep. Perhaps you can get your partner to tape their mouth too?
Please Note! The Sleep Tape is not intended to use as a replacement for medical advice from medically trained personnel. It is not recommended for children under 5 yeas of age to tape their mouth at night. Mouth taping at night, regardless of age, is at your own risk.
Questions and Answers
How can I avoid getting sore lips by taping my mouth?
ANSWER: Here are a few tips if you have sensitive skin and get sore lips:
- Put the tape against your pillow a few times to reduce the adhesive slightly.
- Tear the tape in half and tape from your nose to your chin, so that less tape gets in touch with your skin.
- Slightly ”fold in” your lips before applying the tape.
- Put on some coconut oil, petrolatum, or similar, before applying the tape.
- Moist your lips slightly before applying the tape.
- Use your tongue to first moisten your lips and then push out the tape from within, when taking it off in the morning.
What material is the tape made of?
ANSWER: The Sleep Tape is made of nonwoven rayon. Rayon is made of natural cellulose fiber, which is processed to become rayon. The adhesive is made of acrylate. The basic material in the Sleep Tape, rayon and acrylate, are hypoallergenic and mild.
It has been used for medical purposes since the 1960s, for example near the mouth and nose for fixing cannulas and keep together open wounds. The Sleep Tape is free from latex and doesn’t contain any colophonium (rosin).
Could my six-year-old tape his mouth at night?
ANSWER: Yes, usually it’s fine for most six-year-olds to tape their mouth at night. BUT, the child needs of course to be curious and willing to try. It is not recommended to try to convince your child.
As parents we know that children do as we do and not as we say, so by taping your own mouth the chance increases that your child becomes curious and wants to give it a try. There are five-year-old that tapes their mouths. There are even products for mouth taping for infants.
Please note that all mouth taping at night, regardless of age, is at your own risk.
Can I ruin my sleep by taping my mouth?
ANSWER: On the contrary, it give a better and deeper sleep. Some may wake up very energetic – “I wake up already at 4 o’clock in the morning, full of energy!!” and some may wake up very tired – “I am really tired when I wake up!”
The advice is to wait four weeks before evaluating whether mouth taping at night works for you or not. The sleep is usually normalized over time and the tiredness that some people experience in the beginning can be viewed as a form of cleansing reaction that disappears after a while. Similar to a person that stops smoking usually don’t feel too well in the beginning and it takes a while for the benefits to become evident.
If you wake up very early in the morning and feel rested it’s great and hopefully it will continue. Many people testify that taping their mouth at night have made it possible to reduce their need for sleep.
What are the risks involved in taping my mouth at night?
ANSWER: The risks with taping the mouth at night is absolutely a legitimate question! However, let’s not overdo it. The easiest is to pay attention to your own reaction – do you get stressed out of the mere thought of taping your mouth at night, well then don’t do it. Or if you have a severly blocked nose, then it is probaly not a good idea to tape your mouth shut either.
Instead start with taping your mouth during daytime, for example a while in front of the TV in the evening, to get used to the sensation that occurs in your body and mind. When you feel safe with the tape and the change in your breathing pattern the next natural step is to try taping your mouth at night.
Here are a couple of women sharing their experience:
– I got panic in the beginning, but got used to it. Stayed awaken in bed for a while before taking it off, but already after a few nights I could tape without problems and nowadays I don’t even think about that I have my mouth taped. Tonight I slept for seven hours straight with the tape on – normally I wake up several times each night. Ever since I could start wearing the tape I have started to sleep better and better. My advice is to not overreact if you get panic, just remove the tape and get used to it successively at your own pace.
– When I tried the tape for the first time I panicked. But I turned to my breathing and focused on breathing slow, low and rhythmically. I direced my focus towards my breath, over and over again. After a while I was able to relax and fell asleep. I was confident that the stress and fear would diminish over time. And I was right, since the first night I have had no problems at all with taping my mouth at night.
Can my daily breathing habits affect my sleep?
ANSWER: As we breathe during the day, so we breathe at night. If your breathing during the day is mainly through the mouth, fast, shallow, chaotic, noisy, laboured, full of yawns, sighs, sniffles, and frequently clearing your throat, it locks your body and mind in a state of fight or flight.
Most likely you will then find it beneficial to change your daily breathing habits. You may want to check out our other products and courses >>
Will taping my mouth lead to oxygen deficiency?
ANSWER: No, your nose is for breathing and your mouth is for eating. Taping your mouth shut and breathing only through your nose won't lead to oxygen deficiency. On the contrary, our nose is our primary breathing organ and nasal breathing provides letter oxygenation.
What can happen, however, is that the transition from mouth to nose breathing happens too quickly, much like if you have never jogged before and go jogging at full speed - it doesn't take long before you get short of breath and are forced to stop or slow down considerably. So you may want to move gently and take it in steps.
I'm terrified of taping, what can I do?
ANSWER: It is completely understandable and not uncommon. If you get stressed out just thinking about taping your mouth shut at night, don't do it. Instead, start by taping your mouth during the day, for example 10-15 minutes in front of the TV for a few evenings, to get used to the change that takes place in the body.
Once you feel comfortable with the tape and the changed breathing pattern, it will be natural to try the next step of taping your mouth at night.