How the CarboHaler Transformed My Life, My Family, and My Clients

How the CarboHaler Transformed My Life, My Family, and My Clients

My name is Arlow Pieniak, and I’m a gym owner. I’m 47 years old and have used the CarboHaler for nearly four months. It has completely transformed my life—and my family’s.

I’ve noticed a significant increase in strength, not just in a muscular way but in how I get through the day. I feel less tired, my mood has improved, and my overall well-being has skyrocketed. My regeneration has improved, and I can train with a higher intensity. I've finally gotten better at longer cardio sessions, which had always been a challenge for me.

For 20 years, I’ve been taking medication for ADHD, which has always had a heavy impact on my mind. Since using the CarboHaler, I’ve been able to reduce my medication significantly, by half, and my symptoms have changed dramatically. Situations that used to overwhelm me—like being in large crowds—are now much easier to handle. I still don’t enjoy them, but I can tolerate them in a way I never could before.

The same goes for my children—they sleep better, concentrate better, and also need less medication. This has been a total revelation, and I honestly can’t imagine ever not using this device.

Beyond my personal experience, I’ve introduced the CarboHaler to many of my clients, and most of them have seen remarkable benefits. One of the biggest improvements I’ve observed is faster recovery after training. Some cases are truly extraordinary—like a client with a transplanted liver who has experienced significant improvements in their well-being. Seeing these transformations firsthand has been incredibly fulfilling for me.

I wholeheartedly recommend the CarboHaler to anyone looking to improve their energy, focus, recovery, and overall quality of life. It has made a profound difference in mine.

Our whole family now uses the CarboHaler every morning before school and work—everyone benefits from it in their own way!

Arlow Pieniak, Founder Work It Training, Germany