Conscious Breathing is extremely effective in sugar cravings
I am a nutritionist and have worked a lot with eating behaviors in my courses in Mindful Eating for Sweet tooth’s, were Conscious Breathing plays an important role. Conscious Breathing is extremely effective both in terms of sugar cravings and overeating. A bonus effect if you breathe yourself calm before a meal is that it improves your digestion which increases the nutrient uptake and the metabolism. It’s so amazing!!!!!
My client got rid of her sugar addiction
When I ask my course participants which tools they’ve found to be the most useful, where the bulk of the course consist of Conscious Breathing, get rid of the sugar and Mindful eating, almost everyone says: The breathing. Below is an example confirming this, from Gabriella 24 years old:
– I am diagnosed with endometriosis, ADD, type 2 bipolarity, general anxiety disorder (GAD) and some traits of Asperger’s. The endometriosis has caused major problems with chronic pain and the mental diagnoses have, for example, caused enormous insecurity and anxiety attacks several times a day. For a long time I’ve been addicted to sugar which I have always known negatively affects my diagnoses.
Didn’t know what to do to quit
– I could easily drink 2 – 3 liters (0,5-0,8 gallon) of Coca Cola per day, but didn’t know how to quit. I was hoping that the course would atleast help me reduce my Coca Cola intake, to drink less. I never dared to believe I would be able to quit my addiction all together, but that’s actually what happened.
– It was the EASIEST course set-up ever! It was so flexible and easy to adapt. I never thought it would be this easy to change my habits. It is now 9 months ago since I took the course and I have not had one drop of Cola since then! Not one! – My endometriosis is so much better now. I do not have the same problems and pains as before. My anxieties are pretty much gone, compared to before. I used to have anxiety attacks daily and now it’s not more like once a month, if even that.
No asthma medication whatsoever since I started with Conscious Breathing
I came in touch with Conscious Breathing several years before I took the Instructor Course, when I was coached by an Instructor as part of her training. When my asthma disappeared I realized just how powerful it was. It is now five years ago and since then I have not used any asthma medication whatsoever.
Currently I help young women who, for various reasons, have fallen out from the society, due to addictions for instance. Even here it is striking what a powerful tool the breathing actually is when the demons take over. Turning to the conscious breath makes it so concrete and tangible and help the women to calm down.
Thanks to slow and low diaphragmatic breathing my son can now take blood tests
A funny little story from my everyday life: My son Max is 15 years old and has Downs Syndrome. Since last autumn his thyroid readings have changed and because of this he is now taking blood-tests regularly. I was with him for the first one. Max was terrified and the nurse could barely find a vein to use as he was so stiff and scared.
Then mummy-the-breathing-coach took over and I sat down next to Max and showed him how to breathe through his nose, getting the air down all the way into the stomach, hold for a bit and then to exhale even slower. Not long after, he could take the blood test without any issues. This week it was time to go back again, this time with daddy. When Max got back home I asked him how it went. He said: – Great! I was breathing with my stomach.
Nowadays, it’s never an issue anymore when he needs to take a blood test. He doesn’t need the emla-patch beforehand and is completely calm. It’s so nice! The nurses have been amazed by the “breathing technique” and think that everyone at the hospital should be educated in this. I can’t but agre.